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Ticket Submit

Please fill out this form to the best of your abilities and click the Submit button below once done.  If you have any issues with this form, please call 424-501-4250.

Low Priority:
Tickets will be marked in process and responded to within 8 hours, Tickets should be marked completed within 72 hours during business hours.

Examples: Voicemail password reset, New user setup when given info ahead of time, Changing backgrounds, other simple tasks, updates, maintenance, etc. This is for requests that are not time sensitive and not business impacting.

Normal Priority:
Tickets will be marked in process and responded to within 5 hours, Tickets should be marked completed within 48 hours during business hours.

Examples: Printer issues, Computer slow, install applications, email signatures. This is for requests that are not time sensitive and minimal business impacting.

High Priority:
Tickets will be marked in process and responded to within 2 hours, Tickets should be marked completed within 36 hours during business hours.

Examples: Password reset, Cannot send or receive emails, cannot save or open documents. This is for requests that are somewhat time sensitive and medium business impacting.

Urgent Priority:
Tickets will be marked in process and responded to within 1 hours, Tickets should be marked completed within 24 hours during business hours.

Examples: No one can print, no access to g drive, no network access. This is for requests that highly time sensitive or high business impacting, usually involving multiple users.

Critical Priority:
Tickets will be marked in process and responded to within 1 hours, Tickets should be marked completed within 24.

Examples: Complete down situation, servers are down, internet is down.
Only the numbers